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Our Founding Fathers

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Professor Henri Denolin


Professor André Ermans

It was on their initiative that the " Association d'Aide à la Recherche Médicale André Vésale " was created in 1984.
To date, this association is more active than ever and continues
to promote medical research within the "CHU Saint-Pierre"
of Brussels, by awarding research grants each year
to young researchers from our institution.
These research projects help advance medicine
in order to be able to treat patients.
The first " Mme Emile Bernheim " scholarship was created in 1989, at the initiative of
Prof Roland Bernard, Head of the Cardiology Department
of which Madame Bernheim was the patient.  
This scholarship is still awarded to us annually
under the name of " Fondation Bernheim ".
Another initiative of the " Association Vésale " was to create in 2000, jointly with the "CHU St Pierre", the "Conseil Médical" and "the United Fund of Belgium",
the "FORUM",  place that allows to organize many events.

Our Honorary Presidents

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Professor André Ermans

Mr. André Degroeve

Mrs Françoise De Croo-Desguin

Our current President


Professeur Stéphane DE WIT

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